About Us Odermann Cattle Company is a family business that continues a tradition of livestock production started a number of generations ago by ancestors of the principals, Leona and James Odermann.
Leona and James came from rural backgrounds, growing up on grain and cattle farms in Stark and Billings counties respectively in rural southwest North Dakota. They grew up within their families, contributing as members of the family to create a sustainable farm. Their respective childhoods included caring and interacting with siblings as needed and completing routine chores around the farmstead and performing tasks necessary to keep the family farm/ranch operational.
Conservation of natural resources of air, water and land were paramount to the various management techniques employed by both families. Leona and James were equally impressed with the need to take care of the earth’s resources. These decisions by their ancestors and parents played a big part in their commitment to implement stewardship decisions that protect the earth’s resources.
The Odermann family (Harold and Helen and seven children) moved to the current Billings County location in the fall of 1958. Leona and James moved to the Odermann family farm on July 25, 1980 with their family of five children. They were blessed with three more children, who contributed immensely to the growth of the farm/ranch.
The farm headquarters is in the southeast quarter of section 21, township 141 north, range 99 west in Billings County.
Livestock, mostly beef cattle, have been key components of the operation, Odermann Cattle Company. Leona and James carried on a tradition established by Harold and Helen at the 2H Ranch and the H20 Ranch.
Bison influence cattle have been part of Odermann Cattle Company since 1980. Odermann Cattle Company was involved with 2H Ranch in working to promote the Beefalo breed throughout the United States. At one time, Odermann Cattle Company had close to 150 Beefalo fullblood, purebred or percentage females in their cowherd.
They continue to use Beefalo genetics in their cow herd, specifically using a 3/8 bison bull named Uncle Charlie. Uncle Charlie is a known son of King James, a fullblood beefalo bull with lineage back to Big Jim, a ¾ Bison bull.

Why Organic?
Along the way, Odermann Cattle Company came to realize two major parts of the beef business. They are as follows:
1. Stewardship. As agricultural producers, we are the front line environmentalists of the world. A lack of respect for the air, water and soil can create problems in the exercise of stewardship relative to the natural resources, which are entrusted to our care. Caring for the biological resources properly supplements efforts of Mother Nature to ensure that future generations can receive the earth in as good or better condition than when we began carrying the torch. WE FOCUS ON MANAGEMENT PROTOCOLS THAT PROTECT OUR EARTH.
2. Forage. Meat protein is some of the best food humans can consume, especially meat protein that is bred, born and raised on long stem forage grown on the prairies and fields of North Dakota. Our focus is to produce animals that roam the prairies consuming the grasses that spring from the earth. This means careful attention to preserving the biology of the land so it can feed the animals that roam our farm/ranch. WE FOCUS ON ORGANIC, NATURAL, FORAGE FED BEEF.

Beginning in the 1980s, Odermann Cattle Company began a shift to protect the resources by using only natural ingredients and inputs in their operation. This commitment led to future commitment to endorse the national organic protocol.
Most recently, Odermann Cattle Company has been certified by the Montana Department of Agriculture. The certification process involves an on the farm visit by an unbiased inspector who reviews records, inputs, sales and production. This process is in line with the USDA National Organic Program. Each year a certificate is issued to Odermann Cattle Company.